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Prototype Datasets Endpoint

The /prototype/datasets endpoint provides information about all prototype NEON datasets. Prototype datasets have generally been collected during the design and construction of NEON. These datasets are not necessarily representative of the long-term standardized data otherwise available on the NEON data portal. Prototype data are provided as downloadable zip files.

The /prototype/data endpoint provides access to all data associated with a single dataset.


GET /prototype/datasets


Get information about all prototype datasets


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 List of prototype datasets Response 200
default General error error

Response 200

Name Schema
data prototypeDataset array


  • application/json


  • Prototype Datasets

GET /prototype/datasets/{uuid}


Get information about a prototype dataset


Type Name Description Schema
Path uuid
Prototype dataset UUID to get string


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Single prototype dataset Response 200
400 Prototype dataset not found error
default General error error

Response 200

Name Schema
data prototypeDataset


  • application/json


  • Prototype Datasets

GET /prototype/data/{uuid}


Get information about data files for the prototype dataset


Type Name Description Schema
Path uuid
Prototype dataset UUID to get string


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Available data for the prototype dataset Response 200
400 Prototype dataset not found error
default General error error

Response 200

Name Schema
data prototypeDatasetData


  • application/json


  • Prototype Datasets

GET /prototype/data/{uuid}/{filename}


Gets a data file


Type Name Description Schema
Path filename
The name of the data file string
Path uuid
Prototype dataset UUID to get string


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Available file data string (binary)
302 Found available file and redirects to data string (binary)
400 Invalid file name specified Response 400
default General error error

Response 400

Name Schema
errors error array


  • application/octet-stream


  • Prototype Datasets



Name Description Schema
uuid The UUID of the dataset string
projectTitle The title of the project string
projectDescription The description of the project string
designDescription A description of the dataset's design string
metadataDescription A brief description of the metadata associated with the dataset string
studyAreaDescription A description of the dataset's spatial extent string
datasetAbstract An abstract of the dataset string
startYear The start year for the time span of the dataset number (int)
endYear The end year for the time span of the dataset number (int)
dateUploaded The date the dataset was uploaded string (date-time)
isPublished Whether or not the dataset has been included in a publication boolean
version The version of the dataset string
versionDescription The version description string
doi The DOI for the dataset prototypeDatasetDoi
relatedVersions The related versions of this dataset prototypeDatasetRelatedVersion
data The dataset's data files prototypeDatasetDataDetail
dataThemes List of themes to which the dataset belongs string array
fileTypes List of file types to which the dataset belongs prototypeFileType array
keywords List of words and phrases associated with the dataset string array
locations List of locations of the dataset's spatial extent prototypeLocation array
publicationCitations List of publication citations involving the dataset prototypePublicationCitation array
relatedDataProducts List of data product's that the dataset is related to prototypeRelatedDataProduct array
scienceTeams List of responsible science teams for the dataset string array


The dataset's data files

Name Description Schema
dataLocations List of data locations for the dataset prototypeDataLocation array
files List of data files for the dataset prototypeDataFile array
url The data URL for accessing the data files for the dataset string


Type definition for prototype dataset data

Name Description Schema
datasetUuid The dataset UUID string
datasetProjectTitle The title of the project string
files List of data files for the dataset prototypeDatasetDataFile array
dataLocations List of data locations for the dataset prototypeDataLocation array


Type definition for prototype dataset data file

Name Description Schema
name The name of the data file string
description A description of the data file string
fileSize File size in bytes string
fileName The filename of the file string
md5 MD5 checksum value in hex string
type The type of the data file (metadata, data, etc) prototypeDataFileType
url Download URL for the file string


Type definition for prototype dataset data file type

Name Description Schema
name The name of the data file type string
description The description of the data file type string


Type definition for a prototype dataset data location

Name Description Schema
path The path or URL to the data location string
description A description of the data location referenced by the path string
metadata Indicates that this data location refers to metadata exclusively boolean


Type definition for a prototype dataset file type

Name Description Schema
name The name of the file type (CSV, PDF, HDF5, etc) string
description A description of the file type string


Type definition for a Prototype Dataset DOI

Name Description Schema
url The URL of the DOI string
generationDate The generation date of the DOI string (date-time)


Type definition for a Prototype Dataset related version

Name Description Schema
datasetUuid The related dataset UUID string
datasetProjectTitle The related dataset project title string
datasetVersion The related dataset version string


Type definition for a prototype dataset location

Name Description Schema
domain Three character domain abbreviation (D01, D02, etc) for the domain this site is in string
state Two letter state code that this site is in string
siteCode Four character code for the site string
siteName Full name for the site string
latitude Decimal latitude for the location string
longitude Decimal longitude for the location string


Type definition for a prototype dataset publication citation

Name Description Schema
citation The citation associated with a publication involving the dataset string
citationIdentifier The citation identifier (DOI, arXiv, URL) associated with a publication involving the dataset string
citationIdentifierType The citation identifier type associated with a publication involving the dataset (DOI, arXiv, URL) string


Type definition for a prototype dataset related data product

Name Description Schema
dataProductIdq Revisioned, long code for the data product (NEON.DOM.SITE.DP1.00001.001, etc.) string
dataProductCode Revisioned, shortened code for the data product (DP1.00001.001, DP1.10072.001, etc.) string
dataProductName The name of the data product string
dataProductDescription A brief description of the data product string


Information about errors in the response

Name Schema
number (int)