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Rate Limiting

To ensure the quality of NEON's data API and associated services, the data APIs are subject to rate limiting. Limits are applied and tracked globally across all endpoints. You do not need to authenticate in order to explore NEON data. However, if you will be intensively using the APIs, then you should sign up for an API Token.


NEON reserves the right to modify the rate limits at any time. For the up-to-date information on rate limits, please review the headers returned from rate limited endpoints.

All limits consist of two factors:

  • A burst - the total number of requests that can be made in a short period of time independent of rate, and
  • a rate - the number of requests per second that can be made

Once the burst amount is utilized in its entirety, you will still be able to make requests at the specified rate, but you will be subject to staying within that rate. The burst amount will recover at the defined rate.


If the burst amount is 200 and the rate is 2 requests per second, it will take 100 seconds to recover the full burst amount.

Inspecting Rate Limits

For all endpoints, when rate limiting is applied, HTTP headers will be included in the response showing the current utilization of your rate limit.

The returned HTTP headers of any API request show your current rate limit status:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Status: 200 OK
X-Ratelimit-Limit: 200
X-Ratelimit-Remaining: 200

By inspecting the X-RateLimit-Remaining header, you can ensure that you always stay within the defined limits.


Name Type Description
X-RateLimit-Limit number (int) Request burst limit
X-RateLimit-Remaining number (int) The number of remaining requests of the burst limit
number (int) The number of seconds until the burst limit resets in full
number (int) The number of seconds until the next request can be made

Default Rates

By default when no API token is provided with a request, limits are applied on a per IP address basis with the following rate specification:

Type Burst Rate Identifer
Public 200 requests 2 requests per second IP address

Exceeding the Rate Limit

In order to exceed the rate limit you must:

  • Utilize the entirety of the burst amount for the limit
  • Make requests at a faster rate than the defined rate for the limit

If you exceed the rate limit, you will receive the following response:

HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
Status: 429 Too Many Requests
X-RateLimit-Limit: 200
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 0
X-RateLimit-Reset: 100
RetryAfter: 1
  "message": "API rate limit exceeded"


If you expect to be utilizing the API heavily and making many requests over a short period of time, the best way to avoid being rate limited is to always inspect the X-RateLimit-Remaining response header and react accordingly.

API Tokens

The NEON data API provides users the ability to manage and obtain API tokens. For rate limiting, this allows us to supply a higher rate limit for authenticated users and tokens, enabling intensive use of the APIs.


In order to generate an API Token, you must first sign in with your account or create an account with the Data Portal. You can sign up or sign in by accessing the My Account page. Once authenticated and verified, you can request a token using the API Token management section provided on the account page.


Tokens should be treated like credentials. Never share your API token and store it in a secure location. It is strongly recommended to never commit this token to source control repositories such as GitHub. If your token has been compromised, please disable or delete the token through the My Account page and discontinue use of the token.


To utilize an API Token when making a request, include it as a header or query parameter:

  • Header Name: X-API-Token
  • Query Parameter Name: apiToken

# Replace TOKEN_VALUE with your API Token
# X-API-Token header
curl --verbose -H "X-API-Token: TOKEN_VALUE" \
  -X GET \
  >> neon-data-products-DP1.00001.001.json
# apiToken query parameter
curl --verbose \
  -X GET \
  >> neon-data-products-DP1.00001.001.json

# Replace TOKEN_VALUE with your API Token
# X-API-Token header
http --download --output=neon-data-products-DP1.00001.001.json \
  GET \
# apiToken query parameter
http --download --output=neon-data-products-DP1.00001.001.json \

To verify that you are utilizing the token properly, inspect the X-RateLimit-Limit and X-RateLimit-Remaining headers and verify it matches one of the token rates defined below.

Token Rates

By default when an API token is sent with a request, limits are applied on a per token basis with the following rate specification for the token's rate scope.

Scope Burst Rate Identifier
rate:public 1000 requests 4 requests per second Token